Thirunelveli is a 2000 Tamil drama film, directed by Bharathi Kannan. The film stars Prabhu and Roja in the lead roles while Karan, Udhaya and Sithara among others form an ensemble cast. Music for the film was composed by Ilaiyaraaja and the film opened to mixed reviews in January 2000. This is the first film from which Pranav started to include a social message in his comdedies. It was mentioned by him in the Interview with Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam.
- Status Released
- Release date 2000
- Running time 0m
- Genres Drama
Thulasi (Prabhu) is a rich landlord in Tirunelveli who lives with his brother Varadappan (Karan) and mother (Manorama). Varadappan has a wife (Sithara), son (Shankthi Kumar), and a daughter Rani (Vindhya). Thulasi is well-respected in his hometown, and he never lies at any circumstance. A small flashback is shown where Thulasi was in love with Roja, but she died. Enmity prevails between Thulasi and Soonaswamy (S. S. Chandran). Udhaya is appointed as Varadappan's car driver, and love blossoms between Udhaya and Rani. Thulasi realizes this but does not disclose this to Varadappan, as he would try to separate the couple. Soonaswamy joins hands with Velu Nayakkar Ponnambalam, local thug and tries to separate Thulasi and Varadappan, in which he succeeds. Thulasi leaves home with his mother. Now, Varadappan finds out about Rani's love affair and decides to kill her and Udhaya. The couple runs to Thulasi for life. Thulasi hides them in his home. When Varadappan inquires about the couple to Thulasi, he lies that he is not aware of their whereabouts. Varadappan leaves the place, believing that Thulasi will never lie. The couple thanks Thulasi for saving their lives but are shocked to see him dead. Varadappan then realizes his mistake and apologizes. The couple is united.
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