Maya Kannadi is a 2007 Indian Tamil drama film directed by Cheran and produced by Subbu Panchu. Cheran also plays the lead role with Navya Nair. Ilayaraaja scores the music and Sarath Kumar, Arya and Malavika make cameo appearances in the film.
- Status Released
- Release date 14 Apr 2007
- Running time 3h 0m
- Genres Drama
Kumar (Cheran) is a young man who comes from Thiruvannamalai to Chennai with dreams and hopes about the future. He gets a job in a men's beauty parlor in Chennai. Every day, he observes and learns more about life in the city. He starts to dream and build castles in the air.
Maheswari (Navya Nair) works in another beauty parlor and also has desires of her own.
The rest of the story is about what happens to these two people. This three hour-long film has similar themes compared to Cheran's previous films. The key message in this movie is that each person's life is in his or her own hands.
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