Ramanujan is a 2014 biographical film based on the life of renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. The film, written and directed by Gnana Rajasekaran, was shot back to back in the Tamil and English languages. Ramanujan was produced by the independent Indian production house Camphor Cinema. The cast consists of Indian and British film, stage and screen personalities. It marks the film debut of Abhinay Vaddi, the grandson of veteran Tamil film actors Gemini Ganesan and Savitri, as the protagonist.
- Status Released
- Release date 11 Jul 2014
- Running time 2h 33m
- Genres Drama, History, Biography
Set in the early 1900s, the film traces the life of the prodigious math genius Srinivasa Ramanujan from the time he was a young Tamil Brahmin to his years in England, where he attended Cambridge University during World War I. The film follows his relationships with his mother Komalatammal, his wife Janaki, and his collaborator Professor G. H. Hardy. The film also showcases how Indian society viewed a mathematician of such great stature.[2]
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