Puppy is a 2019 Indian Tamil comedy drama film written and directed by Nattu Dev in his directorial debut. The film starring Varun, Samyuktha Hegde and Yogi Babu is produced by Ishari K. Ganesh under his production banner Vels Film International. The music for the film is composed by Dharan Kumar. The film had its theatrical release on 11 October 2019 and opened to positive reviews among the audience.
- Status Released
- Release date 11 Oct 2019
- Running time 1h 49m
- Genres Drama
Final year college student Prabhu has a strong urge to lose his virginity. His senior guides him. Prabhu falls in love with his classmate Ramya. His sexual curiosity lands him in trouble when he and Ramya have pre-marital sex. He gets biggest shock of his life when he learns that Ramya shows positive signs of pregnancy. His pet dog puppy is severely ill, which worries both Prabhu and Ramya. How will he fix the things forms crux of the story.
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