Arasangam is a Tamil crime thriller film directed by R. Madhesh. The film stars Vijayakanth in the lead role, making this his 150th film, along with Navaneet Kaur, Sheryl Pinto, Rahul Dev, Biju Menon, Sriman, and Riyaz Khan. Produced by L. K. Sudhish the film had soundtrack was composed by Srikanth Deva and distributed by Pyramid Saimira. Shot in India and Canada, the film was released on 9 April 2008.
- Status Released
- Release date 09 Apr 2008
- Running time 2h 15m
- Genres Action
Economically and strategically important CEOs, Scientists, etc. are assassinated all over India. Since many of such murders take place in Chennai, the Home Minister of Tamil Nadu pressurizes the DGP to speed up the investigation. ATS Officer Manoj is invited to Chennai from Mumbai to help the Tamil Nadu Police Department. He mysteriously disappears during the flight.
The Police Department concludes there is a link between the assassinations and the disappearance of Manoj and hands over both the cases to criminologist and IPS Trainer Arivarasu IPS, who is also a close friend and brother-in-law of Manoj.
Arivarasu's investigation takes him to Toronto, Ontario, Canada where he meets Manoj's lookalike Martin Jayapal, who has hatched a plot to destabilize India. How Arivarasu thwarts his intentions forms the rest of the story.
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