Pulivaal is a 2014 Tamil comedy thriller film directed by G. Marimuthu who earlier directed Kannum Kannum, and produced by Sarath Kumar and Listin Stephen. Prasanna and Vimal play the leading roles, while Iniya, Ananya and Oviya play the female leads. The film is a remake of the 2011 Malayalam film Chaappa Kurishu which itself was an unofficial copy of the 2009 South Korean movie Handphone. It started production in March 2013 and released on 7 February 2014.The movie received mixed reviews and was a hit at box office.
- Status Released
- Release date 07 Feb 2014
- Running time 2h 20m
- Genres Comedy, Thriller
The film revolves around two men who are poles apart in their lifestyle:
Initially, we see Kasi, a Madurai based youth who lives at Besant Nagar in Chennai with his colleague. He works in a supermarket and earns only 3500 per month. He is in love with Selvi, a young girl and also Kasi's lover who works in the same supermarket as Kasi, and they always hangout together. He has a close friend Chokkalingam. Valliappan, their manager always ill-treats Kasi even though he is very good natured.
Then, we get introduced to Karthik, a rich businessman who is in a relationship with his colleague Monica. Unknown to Monica, his fiancee Pavithra is in love with him. Karthik's phone contains a few sex videos with Monica, and it reaches Kasi during an argument between Karthik and Monica at a nearby highway motel, when she finds out that he is engaged to Pavithra.
Kasi hides Karthik’s phone and uses Karthik to solve his problems with Valliappan. When Selvi finds out that Karthik's phone is with Kasi, she tells him to give it back otherwise, she would not talk with him forever. Kasi repents and tells Karthik that he will return the phone very soon. When Kasi tells about his residence to Karthik, the phone's battery drains. Kasi gives the phone to his friend, a mobile shop to charge it. He finds the sex videos and uploads them in YouTube and exposes them without both Kasi and Karthik's knowledge. When Karthik sees it, he thinks that Kasi has uploaded it. Hence, Karthik decides to seek revenge from Kasi. Monica tries to commit suicide thinking that Karthik exposed their affair to the world, and she gets hospitalized. Karthik finds Kasi in the supermarket, and a chase occurs between them. Karthik beats Kasi very badly, and Kasi retaliates Karthik in frustration. Both get heavily injured, and Kasi reveals that he was not the one who posted the videos in YouTube. He goes to his friend's shop with Karthik and they both thrash him to death.
Karthik goes to the hospital to meet Monica, and they both reconcile. She gets discharged from the hospital, and Karthik takes care of her. Kasi comes to meet him with Selvi with some fruits and medicines. Karthik gives his phone to Kasi and tells to keep it, as a heart-touching sign of treating a poor person with respect and affection.
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