Vetri Selvan is a 2014 Indian Tamil drama-thriller film directed by Rudhran featuring Ajmal Ameer and Radhika Apte in the lead roles. Produced on Srushti Cinemas banner and Silicon Studios. The film has been screened in 125 theatres. The film has the singer Mano, Sheriff and Ganja Karuppu in pivotal roles. It was the last film of child actress Taruni Sachdev. The original music and background score of the film were composed by Mani Sharma, cinematography was handled by Ramesh Kumar, while editing was by Kishore Te. Vetri Selvan revolves around three youth who have been rejected by the society and how they try to reform it. It was released on 19 June 2014.
- Status Released
- Release date 20 Jun 2014
- Running time 2h 18m
- Genres Drama
The film revolves around three youths: Vetri Selvan (Ajmal Ameer), Ananthakrishnan (Mano), and Ganesh (Sheriff). They have been rejected by society, and the film tells of how they try to reform it.[6]
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