Edhir Neechal is a comedy-drama film written and directed by K. Balachander. The film has an ensemble cast including Nagesh, Muthuraman, Sundarrajan, Srikanth, M. R. R. Vasu, Sowcar Janaki and Jayanthi.
It is based on Balachander's play of the same name, itself inspired by Sombhu Mitra's play Kanchanranga. The film was released on 12 December 1968, and became a commercial success, with Balachander winning the Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Dialogue Writer. It was remade in Telugu as Sambarala Rambabu (1970) and in Hindi as Lakhon Me Ek
- Status Released
- Release date 12 Dec 1968
- Running time 2h 47m
- Genres Comedy, Drama, Family
Sowcar Janaki, R. Muthuraman, Nagesh, Jayanthi
K. Balachander
Comedy, Drama, Family
No Story Available.
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